I Love My Olympia WA Chiropractor Because...
Growing up, I got adjusted first by my mom, then by my brothers, then by countless more chiropractors through undergraduate school and chiropractic school in California.
I've been adjusted by doctors of all techniques, including:
- Diversified and Gonstead
- Activator
- Knee Chest Upper Cervical
- SOT and Cranial-Sacral
- Atlas Orthogonal Upper Cervical
- Toggle Upper Cervical
- Network
- And a combo of all of the above
These experiences not only gave me personal experience in each style of chiropractic, they also showed me the amazing world of the ART of chiropractic.
No matter what your technique, the ULTIMATE goal of chiropractic is to maintain and restore the communication from the brain to the body. ALL these techniques follow this same principle.
So it's not about what technique is BEST, it comes down to which works best for you! Which technique your body responds best to, and gets you clear and connected!
It's about getting the power turned on!
We use the following techniques in our office to best serve
- Diversified and Gonstead
- Knee Chest Upper Cervical
- Activator
- SOT and Cranial-Sacral
- Toggle Upper Cervical
- Webster Technique
- And a combo of all of the above