The Principle of Life
When a bone in the spine misaligns and compresses the nerve system, causing interference to life.
There’s two ongoing processes that occur when we subluxate. The first is structural, the second is neurological. The structure of our spine is built to support the movement of our body, yet when we subluxate, the posture deviates away from normal. The head tilts, the shoulders tilt, the hip tilts. One leg pulls short. This phenomenon is called “The Righting Reflex”. When we’re in this posture for prolonged periods of time, it’s no wonder that we start to feel like crap simply because the foundation of our movement is off. Muscles won’t activate properly, one side of the body has more weight exerted on it, the body has more stress in certain areas than others and will break down quicker than it should.
The cause of this problem originates from the top bone in the neck. It’s the most moveable bone in the entire spine, yet it protects the most important thing in the entire human body: the brainstem. Neurologically, anytime the brainstem has pressure exerted on it from that top bone being out of place, it restricts the body’s inborn ability to heal, simply because the brain and brainstem control the healing process. When that top bone, also called the Atlas, moves out of position and begins to compress the brainstem, it kinks the brainstem just like when we kink a hose: the water doesn’t get through.
Now, your body is walking crooked, the head isn’t on straight, and the shoulders are uneven. On top of that, your ability to heal from the damage this posture causes has been diminished, and the power within slowly starts to dim. We feel fatigued, we get irritable, depressed, anxious. Some people try to cope with drugs or alcohol, but you can’t fix a structural problem with chemicals. We stop becoming who we were meant to be, and the path to our truest expression of self is now murky, distant, and hard to see. People often find their way back by accident, yet most don’t. Most never know what the cause is, and they just feel “off”. When we understand how this principle of life works, we can work with life to restore what we were born into this world with: an intelligence that needed no teaching, that is instilled into every single cell, every single organ, every single tissue of our body that works for us, not against us. All it needs is no interference, and our life comes back every single time. This is The Principle of Life.