Beyond the Bone

I had a patient come in the other week, and he said to me “after reading through your website, it seems like chiropractic can do everything but raise people from the dead”. He was joking, but serious too. How can people heal from almost anything with chiropractic? What I told him was this:

The only reason why we see miracles everyday with chiropractic is because it is literally reconnecting you to your innate ability to heal. Most people have neglected taking care of their spine, so when they begin to do so, we see people change from depressed to not depressed, from not being able to sleep to sleeping normally again, from being in chronic pain to hiking and living life again. It’s not that chiropractic works “miracles”, it’s that the bodies ability to adapt to stress and heal has been disconnected for so long that when they get re-connected they heal, normally. Our society has lowered the bar so low that when people actually get better without drugs or surgery, they think it’s a miracle. It’s not a miracle, it’s normal to heal, it’s normal to be healthy, it’s normal to thrive and live life pain free, connected to self, and full of energy. The opposite of that is common, but it is not normal. So when people think that we are fixing their sleeping issues, digestive distress, anxiety, depression, back pain, you name it, it’s not chiropractic doing it, we are simply and very importantly reconnecting you to your natural ability to heal. A bone out of alignment in your spine, neurologically disrupts your patterns of connection and function. The longer that happens, the worse off we are, the more issues occur, the sicker we become. Fix this misalignment, reconnect to your normal, and always make sure to take care of this piece of your health and I know you will be a better person for it. Do this with your whole family, and they will be better off. Do this with your whole community, and we all will be better off.